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Superman and Batman unite!
About Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Artist :
Chris Terrio,
David S. Goyer
As :
Ben Affleck,
Henry Cavill,
Amy Adams
Title :
Voir Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Complet Film VoodlockerMovie
Release date : 2016-03-25
Movie Code : 2975590
Duration : 120
Category :
Science Fiction,
Visit To Watch Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Screen Of Voir Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Complet Gratuit Film Netflix
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Comment For Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Online Free Movie Streaming

Name : Bilge Ebiri a.k.a
Village Voice
The movie's not bad but it doubles down on its least-interesting and potent elements at the expense of those that actually work.

Name : Robert Wilonsky a.k.a
Dallas Morning News
In the words of The Joker in a far better Batman movie: "Why so serious?"

Name : Soren Anderson a.k.a
Seattle Times
A joyless slog.

Name : Preston Jones a.k.a
Fort Worth Star-Telegram/
For those who go to the movies to see coherent narratives, [this] is Hollywood's latest exercise in fan service.taking the usual screenplay ingredients of logic, reason and character motivation, tossing it all in a blender and filming the scraps.

Name : Chris Nashawaty a.k.a
Entertainment Weekly
It's another numbing smash-and-bash orgy of CGI mayhem with an ending that leaves the door open wide enough to justify the next 10 installments. Is it too late to demand a rematch?

Name : Tony Hicks a.k.a
San Jose Mercury News
DC and Snyder jammed a lot into "Batman v Superman" to get back into the game. And it often works.

Name : Bob Mondello a.k.a
It's freighted not so much with entertainment value as it is with enough talk of fallen gods, absent parents, and dissolute heroes to fuel a Greek tragedy. And . director Zack Snyder seems convinced that that's what he's making.

Name : Todd McCarthy a.k.a
Hollywood Reporter
The film may be imposing, but it's not fun.

Name : Alonso Duralde a.k.a
And what of the title's promised skirmish? That face-off between two comics legends becomes but one in a series of big things bashing into other big things, which is what Snyder and writers Chris Terrio and David S. Goyer mistake for storytelling.

Name : Peter Travers a.k.a
Rolling Stone
Snyder, juiced up by Hans Zimmer's caffeinated score, throws everything at the screen until resistance is futile.

Name : James Berardinelli a.k.a
Although viewers may be riveted at times, the net experience isn't much fun.

Name : Joe Morgenstern a.k.a
Wall Street Journal
Underdeveloped, overlong and stupendously dispiriting.

Name : Barry Hertz a.k.a
Globe and Mail
The film might be pretty to look at, but narratively speaking, it is a disaster.

Name : A.O. Scott a.k.a
New York Times
The studio has, in the usual way, begged and bullied critics not to reveal plot points, and I wouldn't dream of denying you the thrill of discovering just how overstuffed and preposterous a movie narrative can be.

Name : Joshua Rothkopf a.k.a
Time Out
If there's any justice, dawning or otherwise, at the multiplex, audiences will reject Zack Snyder's lumbering, dead-on-arrival superhero melange, a $250 million tombstone for a genre in dire need of a break.

Name : Kenneth Turan a.k.a
Los Angeles Times
While the Marvel universe, now owned by Disney, is glib and sunny, it's a nice echo of Warner's past as a home to gangsters and gritty melodramas to find its DC world operating very much on the dark end of the street.

Name : Tim Grierson a.k.a
The New Republic
Filled with scenes of gloomy characters confronting their demons or wrestling with insipid moral quandaries, this joyless slog isn't a superhero film so much as it is an excruciating therapy session with huge explosions and guys in capes.

Name : A.A. Dowd a.k.a
AV Club
Shouldn't all this geeky property colliding still at least be entertaining? Shouldn't it play to the cheap seats instead of wallowing in the murk?

Name : Colin Covert a.k.a
Minneapolis Star Tribune
It is an interesting idea of a film created by people who have no earthly idea how to do it, a quasi-epic without a thimbleful of wit, style or rooting interest in either of its leads.

Name : Mara Reinstein a.k.a
Us Weekly
A popcorn film - and this is a popcorn film - should never feel like Sunday night homework.

Name : Chris Klimek a.k.a
A ponderous, smothering, over-pixelated zeppelin crash of a movie scored by a choir that sounds like it's being drowned in lava.

Name : Calvin Wilson a.k.a
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Snyder delivers a superhero epic that's a significant improvement on his work on its predecessor, "Man of Steel."

Name : Steven Rea a.k.a
Philadelphia Inquirer
There's a gravitas here that even the staleist of comic book tropes can't diminish. Snyder, who directed Man of Steel and the failed comic book adaptation Watchmen, is nothing less than respectful. The effects aren't bad, either.

Name : Lou Lumenick a.k.a
New York Post
Constantly threatening to collapse from self-seriousness, this epic has way too much of everything, including CGI and Oscar winners up the wazoo.

Name : Richard Roeper a.k.a
Chicago Sun-Times
When it sings, Dawn of Justice is a wonder. When it drags, it still looks good and offers hints of a better scene just around the corner.

Name : Andrew O'Hehir a.k.a
Batman v Superman is kind of dopey and plays out some laborious plot twists in the DC narrative at unnecessary length, but as I've already said it largely kept me entertained for two and a half hours, which is not nothing.

Name : Rene Rodriguez a.k.a
Miami Herald
In Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel duke it out and the audience loses.

Name : Stephen Whitty a.k.a
Newark Star-Ledger
[Plays] less like a prequel for the JLA then a greatest-hits medley of every superhero movie ever made - a little Dark Knight Rises here, a bit of Batman Begins there, all spiced up with some X-Men topicality. The thing is, none of it convinces.

Name : Matthew Lickona a.k.a
San Diego Reader
In a word, exhausting. In a few more, overblown, overstuffed, repetitive, bombastic, and sometimes just dumb. (Never mind dreary to look at and punishing to hear.)

Name : Jake Coyle a.k.a
Associated Press
It hurtles not with the kinetic momentum of Mad Max: Fury Road nor the comparatively spry skip of a Marvel movie, but with an operatic grandeur it sometimes earns and often doesn't.

Name : Michael Phillips a.k.a
Chicago Tribune
A near-total drag, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice plays like a loose, unofficial quarter-billion-dollar remake of The Odd Couple, in which Oscar and Felix are literally trying to kill each other.

Name : Peter Howell a.k.a
Toronto Star
If only the film actually had depth, along with a little levity to lighten the bulk in the script, the visual murk and the sonic overkill.

Name : Ann Hornaday a.k.a
Washington Post
Rather than escapism and sensory exhilaration, viewers get down in the mire with protagonists who grimace, scowl and wince their way through heroics with the joyless determination of shift workers making the doughnuts.

Name : Adam Graham a.k.a
Detroit News
The heavyweight title bout between Batman and Superman is a smash to the senses, the same way being tossed around in a rollover car accident would jolt one's system.

Name : Andrew Barker a.k.a
As a pure visual spectacle, however, Batman V Superman ably blows the hinges off the multiplex doors, and editor David Brenner does excellent work to comprehensibly streamline the chaos, capably captured by d.p. Larry Fong.

Name : Christopher Orr a.k.a
The Atlantic
Batman v Superman is a tiresome, ill-tempered film, and one too lazy even to earn its dismal outlook.

Name : Bruce Kirkland a.k.a
Toronto Sun
Half of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is brilliant. Unfortunately, the other half of Zack Snyder's epic-length superhero movie is so bloated that it blunts the effect of the good stuff.

Name : Jonathan L. Fischer a.k.a
Blunt, humorless, and baffling, it collides the brutish directorial stamp of its director (he of 300 and Watchmen fame) with the most shameless instincts of our latter-day superhero franchise bubble.

Name : Stephanie Zacharek a.k.a
TIME Magazine
As superhero spectacles go, Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a grand one, with a mondo-operatic climax and a final shot infused with quivering, exhilarating molecules of grace. It's also not much fun.

Name : J. R. Jones a.k.a
Chicago Reader
Not as bad as Bush v. Gore, but close.

Name : Bill Goodykoontz a.k.a
Arizona Republic
Questions regarding violence and mayhem are drowned out by violence and mayhem. Such is the superhero life as directed by Zack Snyder. There is no problem that can't be solved with a cranium-rattling explosion or two.

Name : David Edelstein a.k.a
New York Magazine/Vulture
It's a shame that Batman v Superman is also a storytelling disgrace. It has maybe six opening scenes and jumps so incessantly from subplot to subplot that a script doctor would diagnose a peculiarly modern infection: "disjunctivitis."

Name : Rafer Guzman a.k.a
Overlong, underdeveloped and almost entirely humorless, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice may please die-hard fans by pitting two DC icons against each other. Everyone else may want to wait for the next Marvel movie.

Name : Brian Truitt a.k.a
USA Today
BvS will please those either waiting for the two main players to lock horns on a movie screen, or those who've just been pining for Wonder Woman forever.

Name : Ty Burr a.k.a
Boston Globe
Eventually the script's illogic and the relentless pounding of the action scenes wear you down.

Name : Mick LaSalle a.k.a
San Francisco Chronicle
Snyder sets his story within our modern world and attempts to fashion a kind of commentary on the media and the current geopolitical situation. What he has crafted instead is a grotesque expression of modern emptiness.

Name : Anthony Lane a.k.a
New Yorker
When in doubt, [Snyder] simply slings another ingredient into the mix, be it an irradiated monster, an explosion on government premises, or the sharp smack of masonry on skull.
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